WordPress Maintenance

We keep your website up to date and install all updates weekly.

Once it is offline, you will be the first to know and can react immediately.

And if something breaks, we have a backup ready for you.


WordPress Backups

Backups are like insuring your website. In an emergency, she steps in and the damage is averted. All backups are stored on our server in Europe in accordance with GDPR.

So that you can always restore the most current status of your website, we create the following backups of your WordPress website:

WordPress Updates

Updates to WordPress, themes and plugins not only add new functions, but also close security gaps. So that your WordPress website is always up to date, we check your website weekly for updates of plugins, themes and WordPress and install them for you.


Would you know if your website is no longer accessible? As soon as your website is offline, we will send you an email. This will be the first to find out if something is wrong.



€ 29.00 * One-time setup

€ 390.00 * Annually with other hosters

€ 290.00 * Annual at WP Mike Hosting
(as an add-on in your hosting package)

Process after the order

  • Access data

    After ordering the service, you will receive an email. In it, we describe how you can securely send us the access data that we need for the service.

  • We take care of the rest

    We will set up your WordPress maintenance within a few days. As soon as we have completed the setup, you will receive another email from us.

Order now

* All prices plus 19% VAT.